Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Call For "Job Reform" In Black-America

"Raw And Uncensored Political Views Explored"

Startling, the National Urban League, a 100 year old Organization, released its annual report which highlights such a disproportionate gap in unemployment in the African American Community that one must pause and ponder one question; "what in the world is going on in this Country?" The unemployment rate, as of March 24, 2010, is 15.8 percent for blacks and 12.4 percent for Hispanics, compared to 9.7 percent overall and 8.8 percent for whites.

While it is almost certain that the President's Health Care Reform legislation will address a host of Black America's years of medical concerns, and may even procure jobs in the long term, it however, will do nothing to address or solve Black America's laggings in the job industry.

As mentioned in my previous article of discussion; Mr. President, you've come to the rescue of the irresponsible and disingenuous bankers (who've once again, and arrogantly if I may say so, given the American People their butts' to kiss), and the automobile industry alike. You've championed Health Care Reform for well over a year now with a positive outcome. As noble as that may be, without employment or a remote prospect for employment; how is one to afford to even pay $35.00 or more for mandated health insurance? In short, the overall consensus of African-Americans affected by this unfair, discriminable and over-representation in our Nation's unemployment arena is, and rightfully so; "we need an immediate bail-out too!

Though I do not delve into it extensively here; it is a well documented fact that this disproportionate representation in unemployment, low wages and the forced acceptance of lower wages for the college educated black person in contravention their white counterpart for the same job, did not however just began during our Nation's recent recession and job crisis. As a matter of fact, such inequality can be traced back to slavery. Until we address this and the many issues plaguing this most vulnerable sector of our Community and find solutions therefore, crime, cost, the dropout rate and unsettledness of National peace will never be attained. For the immediate, the only answer is a comprehensive Job Reform legislation sustained, long-lasting and far-reaching.

In closing, the 151-page study referenced herein, which in 2007 featured a foreword by then-Sen. Obama bemoaning the problems facing black men, makes clear that it appreciates his efforts so far as president but that "much, much more must be done." And on that note, I concur.

To read full report go to

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